Thursday, September 9, 2010

This Blog

After many requests for photos and updates, I am starting this blog to share our photos and whereabouts with those of you interested. (Thanks for being interested if that is you.) This will be for bits of update and photos only -- no deep thoughts or commentary on world events. I will do my very best to keep it up-to-date once I figure out exactly how to put photos and videos up.  If anyone has tips on how to make it look better or format easier, please let me know.  For example, I would like for my title to be in a different font.  How do I do this?  I'll appreciate your feedback. 


  1. I just want to reiterate how excited I am about this blog!

  2. How did I not know you had a blog? I'm so glad that you do! Your boys are gorgeous and your life looks so romantic and sexy and adventuresome - I'm jealous (though this is what people often say about mine and I just smile and say that it's no different to be a mom with little kids in NYC than anywhere else - you survive each day - the logistics might look a little different, but the end result is the same ;-)) Love you!
