Saturday, April 20, 2013

Our Night Owl

Left to his own, Vic would take a three hour or so nap after lunch each day, and then stay up really, really late.  His internal clock is set to night owl.  That doesn't work for the rest of us, so I shorten his nap in the afternoon, and then put him in the bed long before he is ready in the evenings.  Even if he skips his nap, he finds renewed energy at bedtime.  He is cute and thinks diligently each evening about reasons why he shouldn't go to bed just yet.  Eventually he does fall asleep, but there is always evidence that he has tossed and turned and rearranged his soft toys a good long while before he finally closes his eyes.

This is how I found him last night, completely sideways with his feet off the side of his bed.  Of course, the left thumb (the only one he says tastes good) in his mouth.  Yeah, we do let him pick out his own pajamas. 


  1. He looks SO big in this picture! And Collins must have that same good tasting left thumb. I bet they would be good buddies.

  2. So cute! Our boys end up in very strange positions as well. Too funny! And yes, my two older ones still like the taste of their thumbs. Amazingly, our third boy does not care for his at all.
