Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Egg Hunting and Ice Cream

Last week we had friends over to dye and hunt eggs in our yard.  The boys all had a great time, including Vic.  Our yard was great for hiding eggs since we hadn't cut the grass since we arrived.  Whoever is in charge of house things like lawnmowers, weed eaters, etc, has been trying to figure who will pay for ours.  In the mean time, we decided to borrow a lawn mower this past weekend while whoever figures it out, so that we won't lose our kiddos in our personal little meadow.

Vic was only interested in this particular egg.  He carried it around, dying his hands blue, most of the time.  Then, he squished it until he could eat a bit of it, spitting out bits of shell all along.


  1. Friend...I miss you! I want to talk to you! When is a good time?

  2. Hahahah! I was wondering how long before Vic broke into the egg to get the nan-nee out.
