Friday, February 22, 2013


Life is very different from Indiana and quite slow for the kids and me, so far.  Seth's mornings may be full soon, but for now, we spend lots of time creating fun in our home and in our bit of grass.

I flub the language often... I recently told a repair man that there was a baby singing, when I meant to say there is a baby sleeping.  He laughed politely and explained my mistake.  My charades are pretty good, and I can say "I don't understand."  I'm re-learning all my grocery vocab quickly.  Speaking of groceries, we've eaten some random meals, but the boys haven't noticed and Craig is grateful always for whatever is served.

We are beginning to feel at home, at least in our immediate four walls.  We are rested and enjoying a slower pace than the last couple of seasons of life. 

Oh, and I experienced my first earthquake ever today.  It was a baby one, but I was definitely wider awake afterwards.  We were skyping with family, and got to say, "Hey, can we call you back in a bit.  I think we just had an earthquake."  How often do you get to say that?

Vic picked my shoes for playing in the yard.  He's funny like that.
The kids were cold after making "mud soup" outside.  They had hot chocolate and cookies to warm up afterwards.  

Our deluxe fort in the basement.  Lots of energy burned down there daily.

Seth and I finished Prince Caspian from the Chronicles of Narnia this week.  While I was cooking dinner, the boys came to the kitchen to invite me into the wardrobe to Prince Caspian's birthday party.  It was a fun time of make believe that warmed my heart.


  1. THAT is a serious fort!! Such fun!! If the boys' faces weren't in the picture I would totally pin it on Pinterest! :)

  2. Hey Cary,

    I'm so happy to hear you're settling into your new place (just caught up on your posts)! You've been on my heart quite a bit these days. Your words are such a blessing to me as I navigate this foreign land. I too am learning grocery vocab, and fumbling over words! :)

    I bet the boys love playing in the fort! Also, happy belated birthday (that poster is awesome!). Your birthday is the day after my sister's, and you remind me so much of her! So, that should be easy to remember now.

    Love you, friend!
